Saturday, February 14, 2009

Vancouver City Limits, songwriters workshop!


Yesterday I attended the first ever, Vancouver City Limits Songwriting Workshop and Concert, which was held at the Beaumont studios in Vancouver, BC. I would say it was a roaring success. Our teachers for the day were Ron Irving, and Steven Mclintock, and doing sound was Bruce Gerrish who hosts the Vancouver City Limits New Music Review on Monday nights. Both Ron and Steven are extremely prolific, published, charted, award winning songwriters with enormous talent and endless amounts of experience, which gratefully, they are willing to share.

And share they did. The workshop was an all day event which touched on all things songwriting and discussed various aspects of the music business. We were given exercises and instruction, and we all were given the chance to have a song of our own critiqued. They spent a decent amount of time on each and every person who brought or performed song, whether it was a polished gem, or still just the seed of an idea and needing a rewrite. They gave good honest constructive criticism and also found the strong points of each composition, so that people could focus on what works as much as what doesn't.

I played Overboard, quite badly actually, from a 'playing and vocal performance' point of view. I couldn't have been any more stiff and uncomfortable, or sang more poorly in my scratchy morning voice, and knowing what I am capable of, my human pride in myself had me feeling pretty disappointed, however, I was able to let it go pretty quickly because what I did manage to do, was at least get the basic song idea across. Which was really the point of the exercise. I received a really decent critique which I was very pleased and proud of. I had clued into the fact that in a songwriter workshop, the performance is not exactly relevant, and so that was not the time to try and be a big vocal show off anyway. It is entirely possible that this was 'natures' way of keeping me humble and in check, lol, sometimes I do require the assistance of my otherworldly angels to help me curb my enthusiasm................ but still, it doesn't ever hurt to have a rocking performance. ;)

Another interesting part of the workshop for me, was when Ron and Steve were telling stories about how their own songs were inspired and written. They talked about how connections were made, and a guitar was picked up and played frequently to illustrate certain points as they discussed various tips and tricks on the craft and business of songwriting. The two men were charming and funny in an easy way, and they seem to like and respect each other a great deal. I felt that they really worked well together, and I felt safe in their class, like I was in very good hands.

The setting was an intimate theatre/stage, which is attached to an art gallery as well as an acting and music studio. The vibe was comfortable from the moment I walked in the door, very artistic and non-judgemental. I love arty places like this. Everyone just loves everyone else for who they are. Peace brother. I swear in a moment of reverse deja vu, I could feel a video about the Beaumont studios being shot and edited for All Access Pass, happening somewhere in my future. (Maybe perhaps on the night when my gal pal Jen Hershmann is playing her showcase there on March 23rd.)

The day was even more inspiring than I had hoped it would be. It never ceases to amaze me how many nice people there are in the music business. As I was waiting in the lobby for the theatre to be opened, in walked BC recording artist Rick Tippe ,whom I have known for a few years through our mutual addiction to little toy cars (Rick and his wife Bonnie, host a Hot Wheels Show a couple times a year, which me and my son attend whenever we can), so it was great to see a familiar face and have someone to chat about toy cars and music with while we waited to be let in.

Rick is a monster performer, one of the most dynamic guys I have ever seen on stage, with a list of top 40 hits that's longer than his arm. He was fantastic at the 2008 BCCMA awards show this year (you may recall I was there filming/editing the backstage all access video with Kelly Brock), and I highly recommend you check out his latest single release Last Call for Alcohol ., which will begin playing if you click the underlined link to Ricks website.

And this video is the official music video for Forever!

Everyone, Rick Tippe

I swear I am the luckiest girl sometimes, the first people Rick introduced me to as we all wandered into the theatre to claim a seat, were the teachers themselves, Ron and Steve. Besides being very talented, they are genuinely nice fellows. If you ever see Ron or Steve are hosting a songwriting workshop in any city, I would highly recommend you go, and if its in held in Vancouver, you can bet I will be there.

Workshop participants were also invited to the evening performance, which was a songwriter in the round concert (that is when songwriters sit on stage with only guitars and share with the audience stories and experiences attached to the songs they perform).

Steve and Ron were joined by two more incredible artists, Bonnie St Croix , a well known Vancouver artist with a number of beautifully performed & written CDs. Bonnie has the sweetest voice, and writes the saddest songs which literally brought people in the audience to tears. I love songwriters who can rip my heart out and stomp all over it. I really do. Some songs are like a little roller coaster ride for the heart, and that's just magnificent.

The video below, is one of the songs that Bonnie played last night, this was her closing song, one of the few songs she has written that doesn't make you want to weep. ; ) I loved it, and all the players onstage joined in on the song, each talent adding exactly the right amount of texture to the tune. I could pick out each part clearly as they tastily laid little licks and rhythm patterns all over the song and talked to each other with their instruments and voices. I am vibrating now, remembering it, and all the other moments like it.

Also on the bill, Michael Vincent who has an incredible voice that had me mesmerized. Michael gave so much to the audience by providing one of those magical musical moments that you just have to experience in person to truly appreciate. He invited us to sing along to his song and provide callbacks and ooos and ahhhs. The whole room joined in sweet harmony and it was simply divine. I was resonating on some sort of frequency that made me feel very centered and happy to be there. Ron Irving by the way is producing a CD featuring Michael Vincent and Friends, and more info can be found on this link to his website.

Speaking of harmonies, we were treated to the lovely guest harmonies of several ladies in the audience, including Michael's daughter Zaena, and Ron's wife Sue Irving, who also works for SOCAN. Sue was great, and she had a lot of time to chat with me, and gave me advice about a couple of my songs which will be getting some short TV airplay soon (probably 2 seconds worth, LOL).

I will leave you with this video, performed by Steve Mcklintock,the song is called 'Don't let this plane touch down'. We were told that this was the first song that Steve and Ron ever wrote together. They played this song last night in the second set, and it was without a doubt, one of the many great highlights of the night!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

painters and musicians


There is a woman whom I met through You Tube last year named Amanda Delight, she is an incredible painter who films herself as she paints her masterpieces from beginning to end. She takes the footage she shoots and speeds up the film then edits it to music, sharing with the viewer her process as she creates her magic on canvas. She then posts the videos to her You Tube account and shares them on her blog.

I just came across this new video she has put up, of her painting President Obama, and thought I would share it with you ........

Sometime last year Amanda came across my song on You Tube called "Standing all the Way" ( a song about being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and deciding to hope, fight, live and love well ), and she contacted me to tell me she was so inspired by the song that she wanted to do a painting and make one of her videos, she wanted to know if I would please let her use my song for the video. She told me that she planned to use the video to remind women not to forget to get their mammograms done. [Little side note: Amanda is not only a painter, she is a mammographer, so she is dealing with issues surrounding breast cancer on a daily basis]

I was very honored to be asked. This woman is a true artist. I was blown away by her talent as I watched a number of her previously made videos. I immediately and without hesitation said yes, and told Amanda that I would be delighted (pun intended) to give her my song. I just had to find a way to record the song (at the time the song was only in rough draft form on You Tube which is how she found it), but she also had to do the painting yet, so we had time.

Part two of this story involves the recording of the song you will hear in this video, but for now, here is the video that Amanda made to my track. The picture you will see being painted, was donated to a Charity fundraiser, and now hangs in a Hospital somewhere in the US! Nice.

It was kind of exciting to think that we worked on this from different parts of the continent at the same time, it was my first collaboration on You Tube. I lucked out big time by choosing the right person to ask to record the song. I recorded the track at Millennia Sound Design. The production, recording, mixing, engineering, instrumentation, and arrangement was provided by Mick Dalla Vee. I am forever grateful for his help with this project, I had only asked for a guitar and vocal track because that was all I could afford. Instead, Mick delivered to me, a beautiful song with full instrumentation. He said he put in the extra time, knowing this track was going to help support a cause. That's the kinda decent person he is.

Not to mention, incredibly talented. If you have ever seen the incomperable Randy Bachman in concert, chances are good that you have seen Mick Dalla Vee, as he has been playing with Randy in his band for years. Mick also has a number of different music projects which are counted amongst the country's top acts, and he also runs a rock n' school for teens, which I will be probably be blogging about in future because we are working out details for the McRockskool to open a branch in the facility where I teach the kids their dance classes.

So, in case any of you singer/songwriters/bands who are reading in the Lower Mainland are looking for a studio or a top notch producer, or, if you simply want to go see a great band, check out the links provided ( anything underlined )!

And on that note, for your rock and roll enjoyment today,....... I'll treat to to the talents of of these highly regarded, hardworking entertainers.....

When not on the road with Randy, Atlantic Crossing, or backing up other major artists and touring overseas, Mick works with his rock trio Cease and Desist, These guys are all so enormously talented, Mick can sing play and sound like anyone, Marc LaFrance is an outstanding drummer, and Brent Howard plays so clean and tasty. They all have wicked vocals, and as players they get out of each other's way. Its just a joy to watch them. If you are looking to go see some great rock and roll being played to perfection, go to one of their shows.

On the website, I found this video that I will share today, the boys are treating us to some Led Zepplin (yeah)! The following is a description taken from Mick's website:

“This is from 2006. Brent hosted a jam at The Point in Port Moody. One night I was there hanging as was Rick Fedyk (Spud). Spud is a monster drummer - especially on Led Zeppelin tunes...the guy has studied Bonham like a thesis. We decided to do Whole Lotta Love and it was caught on video...the sound isn't great, but you can tell it was pretty magic. Spud's drumming at the end is stellar.”

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

rehearsing tunes for gigs *video*

Sometimes you just find people online who are a little extra special to you, and Bryn is one of those people! Yesterday, she posted a video on her blog , and dedicated the song she sang to MOI! She had me smiling and laughing from start to finish! She is most adorable human, and a talented artist.

Her video, prompted me to make this video for her today.

So, this is for Bryn, seeing as she posted her cute adorableness singing Karaoke in her living room for me, I am sharing my own living room theatre where I spend time learning tunes for work! :)

All the songs you hear by the way, I am learning for my next Lulus gig at the River Rock Casino. Please feel free to check out the band if you are in Vancouver, Richmond, surrounding area.

We play on Sunday Feb 15th, and Thursday Feb 19th. more info at my website

Friday, January 30, 2009

Variety Club Xmas Brunch~

I volunteered at my Mother's out of school childcare facility for all of last fall, teaching a group of her children 4 dances based on the soundtrack to Grease. There were three special needs kids in the class, which was very appropriate, because my dancers performed the show for the Variety Club Christmas Luncheon, and there were a great deal of special needs children in the audience, it was inspiring for them to see kids like them, performing.

The red car you see, fits over John's wheelchair, the boys decorate the car during the song, (like they do in Greased Lightening). Thats the key by the way, to getting boys to do a dance class, you gotta cool it up for them.


NOTE: originally this post was about my gig singing Anne Murray songs and how I was planning on doing a tribute to her music which is why the comments mention a blonde wig. But I started to wonder if doing this was not a very cool thing to do, meaning is it disrespectful in some way?. Then my car was robbed and all of my Anne Murray music was stolen. I took it as a sign that I am not supposed to do this tribute thing. I am STILL a HUGE fan and will always love to sing her music, but I sing her material as me, and incorporate her songs in to my full shows. :)

By the way, Anne Murray is on Twitter now and she chats to me once in a while. Interestingly this started happening once I took all the tribute stuff off of my website! Life is a mystery sometimes! :)

Motherhood: The Ultimate Survivor: Happy Friday Video

Motherhood: The Ultimate Survivor: Happy Friday Video

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a sure fire way to get traffic to your blog

If you missed my earlier post about them, please meet Sue and Steve from the

They are also known as the newmillionaires on You Tube.

I met Sue and Steve the other night for a lovely, delicious, and delightful dinner at their house, and it was such a truly enjoyable evening from beginning to end. I felt like I had known them for years, it was so comfortable and easy to be around them.

Today they posted a new Sue and Steve show video, and I was touched and humbled to find that I was the topic of their show!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

26 things about me....TAG game.

I popped by Jen's blog today, and she says that if you find yourself reading her blog you are to consider yourself tagged.

So, I am tagged, and now that you are here reading this, you are tagged too! Please follow the instructions completely by posting 26 things about yourself. ( and please go visit Jen's blog if you don't know her yet )

1) I see the glass as half full.

2) I most often choose to give people the benefit of the doubt, even though I am sometimes burned by that decision.

3) I see life as a classroom for our souls, and our problems just part of the curriculum.

4) I give an excellent foot rub.

5) I only ever really worried about dying, once I had children.

6) My favorite exercise in the dojo, is punching and kicking someone who is wearing or holding kick/body pads .

7) I am generally quite laid back and lazy, and have to force myself to be productive.

8) I am curious about a variety of experiences, I would rather try a lot of different things, and do reasonably well at them, than spend all of my time on one thing, trying to become an expert.

9) I really admire people who become an expert in any field, and I will tell them that I admire them.

9) I take responsibility for what I do and say. I am not afraid to apologize or to be wrong.

10) I realize that will always be learning about myself and the world around me.

11) I believe it takes a village to raise a child.

12) I like being around people who can sit comfortably and enjoy the silence, rather than feel a need to fill it.

13) I cry at wimpy commercials, but I can be vicious if crossed.

14) I don't feel bad about myself when I tell you that I suck at guitar, I'm cool with it. You don't have to worry, I haven't hurt my own feelings.

15) I am very social online and at work, but in life I do most things solo.

16) As a kid when it came to playtime, I was more of a tomboy than a girly girl. Today, if you asked me whether I'd rather go & try dirt biking, or, go and get my hair and nails done? I'd try dirt biking.

17) I thought I was going to grow up and move to a far away ranch to become a cowgirl, but then I saw a cute boy with a guitar and that opened my eyes to music.

18) I adore singing for large crowds.

19) I hate to be in large crowds.

20) I would love to meet a partner who would be willing and able to hold kick pads for me.

21) I love jogging and hiking in forests with twisty paths and hilly terrain.

22) I rarely wear make up.

23) I drive a stick shift.

24) I don't like drunk people or strangers from the audience, trying to touch me in a familiar way, and I feel very comfortable protecting and maintaining my personal boundaries.

25) I try to spread smiles or do something thoughtful for other people, whenever I see an opportunity to do so, I genuinely want to see everyone around me succeed and be happy.

26) I love the idea of synchronicity