Thursday, January 15, 2009
a delicate subject
You may have met my friend Sharon, I have posted about her blog here before. She makes me laugh out loud, often, and today I am sharing her very important PSA. Sharon has tackled a very delicate subject and shared it with all of her cyber sisters.
Sharon, you are selfless. Such an important message,..... lmao ; )
*I hope you will go visit her..........
( Sharons blog about a very delicate topic )
*if you don't have a sense of humor, or if you are squeamish when reading about er, ...ah,... 'personal recreational activities for the home and bedroom", then, take a pass.....but I suggest you get over that, and simply enjoy the fun of the post. ;)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
E! Online interview
Well Miss 604 posted her interview of me yesterday, and it was SUCH a whirlwind day.
Seriously, I met SO many new people online and through Twitter, its been fabulous.
If you are new here, Hi! Welcome.
This is just my diary, trust me, there are funnier blogs, and blogs with useful content that you can actually learn something from, you wont find any of that here. If you want blogs like that, go check out the blogs I am following, because they are all very cool. This blog is all about me.
Luckily, for you, one big part of ME, is that I happen to like to share things about other people. It gives me warm fuzzies to post something nice about someone else, especially if something they did, inspired or touched me.
So, besides following some of my adventures, you will also find some of my favorite links, videos,and blogs posted here.
Which brings me back to Miss 604.
I don't know WHAT I was thinking, but I didn't really realize this interview was going to be put on E! online. I thought it was for the local blog (which was thrilling and exciting enough I might add). But when the interview was over and I was saying goodbye to Rebecca, I didn't quite know what she meant, when she said it will be on E! online, later today. Huh? I was a bit dazed over that, and actually thought I heard wrong.
Anyhow, when she posted the story, and I realized it was THE E! online, I just could not believe it. What am I doing up there? How freaking cool is that? I immediately wished I had at least brushed my hair or put on make up or something. LOL, what a doofus, when I told these thoughts to my pal Sharon, who called me from Toronto to congratulate me, she just laughed and told me that, 'that is what she loves about me'. So I guess it kind of all right that I am hopeless about these things.
Anyway, I can't thank Rebecca enough for contacting me and putting up such a great story. I love so much that she took an interest in some of the charitable causes I am donating my time to, and that she chose to share their information with her audience. The people from the Stupid Cancer foundation were so excited and pleased. It was a powerful day, and I am proud to share this with you all!
click link for the E! Online story
Monday, January 12, 2009
miss 604 and moi!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
you tube collaboration
People do collaborations all the time on You Tube.
I was asked to provide the vocal for a tribute video to John Lennon.
I had some minor but annoying challenges with this little project, the video I was to send, had to have me singing acapella, I could only use the little mic on my tiny video camera to record my voice, and of course, it all had to be done in one take. The key of the song was very awkward, too high for me to belt it out comfortably, and too low to be really dynamic at the high points, but the track was done by the time they got me on board so there was no changing the key.
After trying a number of things however, I just sat down and sang the song simply, after all, there is no point messing with John.
Lai decided to put some harmonies over my vocal, which he says he has never done before so that must have been cool for him. I am very glad I decided to play along with this, Lai has about 3 thousand subscribers to his You Tube channel, and I woke up this morning to an inbox full of subscribers and new friend requests who found me via his video, and the requests still keep coming.
I do show up in this video, for the last verse and chorus.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
just one of those precious moments
This video was never meant for public consumption, honestly, I am in my jammies, I have a cold, I was just messing around video-recording myself playing in different keys and toying with the melody lines of songs while I was watching my daughter take her bath.
Caught on film, a moment when she started chatting to me, and then all of a sudden started singing along, improvising a song about her mermaid doll, Ariel.
The moment was so precious, I decided I had to get over the housecoat and post the video.
spelling, or lack thereof
I got lazy with my spelling, after reading this sentence one day.....
" Airdoccng to a rsrechecah at Cadmrbige Ustvieriny, it deson't matetr in waht oedrr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny iemorptnt tinhg is that the fsrit and last letter msut be at the rgiht palce. The rest can be a ttoal mses and you can siltl read it wtuhoit ploberm. Tihs is bseauce the hmuan mnid does not read evrey letetr by itlsef, but the word as a wlhoe."
Seriously,...........if most of us can read this jumbled mess, then a spelling error, or a typo, is not really such a big deal now is it? So long as you people get the basic idea then, my job is done.
By the way that was just my lame apology /disclaimer for any atrocious spelling you come across while you visit this blog/diary. I assure you, I am aware of it, I don't lose sleep over it, hopefully you don't either.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
this is the thing that life built
Well you know the story about the breast cancer song right? (See two posts below this one, if you want more info.) Anyway, if you know the story I have a song that will be on a compliation CD that is expected to raise funds for youths with cancer.
It was suggested to me that I build myself a website, because I would be able to expect a lot of traffic once the album is released.
So I sat myself down made a website.
I don't really have anything to sell, no CD or anything of that nature, so previous to this, I had never before thought about having a website. I don't see myself as a recording artist, I just like to work, I would really like to keep getting great corporate gigs, it's such a treat to work on nice shows, with inspiring people.
And of course the job I covet most, is a great gig doing background vocals on a big tour. I totally loved doing the Merrit gig with Kelly, she did her own material, but the video I am sharing here, is of her singing Heart (me as background vocalist). I have so much fun doing this sort of thing, seriously. Check the vid, its taken from a cell phone so the sound is limited, the faint background vocals you hear are me, I do make an apperance later in the video at about 3:11.
See that size of stage? I love it. I want to be singing back ups on that size stage again. It will happen, one day, and we will all celebrate here on this little blog, trust me.
Anyways, once again, I digress. We were talking about the website. So , now that I was thinking about a website, and the fact that I have so many bands I work in, so many projects always on the go, all of my videos I liked to film edit and play with, and how I know so many people who impress the hell out of me whom I like to promote just because I feel like it, a website suddenly seemed like a good place to keep track of everything. So like I said before, I just sat down and made one.
And that, opened a whole new set of doors.
I am pleased to say that my website is already showing results, there have been a number of opportunites that I used the website to get in tune with so far. Just today, I recieved two calls for work, one place wants to hire me for a gig, and one is a studio session to sing a demo for someone. Love it, love it, LOVE it!
I am very grateful for the Stupid Cancer people for kicking my backside into action, because now when people ask, I have a place to send them, I have a little home on the web.
I am in awe of how life just happens, and if you are open to the doors that open in front of you, they truly can lead you to new and exciting places.