Well my friends, another year complete at the Vancouver Guitar Show.
This year I brought a load of Society6 samples, since every time I share the links for people to buy their items with my artwork on them, I'm asked about the quality so I wanted to show everyone in person.
You can buy this shirt HERE
The most guitarious gig towels ever!! LINK
Rather than offering canvas paintings for a few hundred dollars and up, I brought items that were all under $100!
I met many friends who were visiting the show like this lovely lady whom I painted last year.
She bought a Reimer Bass.
Rod Macbeth from CKPM-FM bought my awesome vintage mic mug, then played my song Overboard on the air this morning!

Lisa (who hosted the Freakrock Jam featuring special guests such as Shaun Verreault) stopped by for a hug and a pic.
Overall a fun and successful show! If you want more info on my Society6 products feel free to browse around my store...... or you can start here!