Now the thing you may not have known about the Gap is that when they first opened their doors 40 years ago, they only sold denim and music.
So, as part of their 40 year celebration this year, the Gap went back to their roots and had live acoustic performances in 700 of their stores nationwide all in celebration of the re-launch of their denim line.
It was a great idea for me, playing at the Gap for my 40th!
So, as part of their 40 year celebration this year, the Gap went back to their roots and had live acoustic performances in 700 of their stores nationwide all in celebration of the re-launch of their denim line.
It was a great idea for me, playing at the Gap for my 40th!
How exciting, look they even made me a cake!

It was kind of cute, we were basically a living store display, playing our music in the window. Check out our new stylish Gap jeans!
I sang both covers and original music . People wandered in and out of the store all night and many stood around watching for a spell. Everyone was so warm and appreciative, and I was especially, ESPECIALLY delighted that so many friends showed up to support us and share a birthday wish. I can't possibly name everyone who came, but there were many friends new and old, I was so touched and I thank you all for coming.
I think I will send a special thank you to Kelly Brock and Catherine St Germain, who are not only my pals, but they are two of the city's top female vocalists. I was so touched that they not only showed up, but they got up and sang a song with us. The harmonies were gorgeous! Thank you girlfriends....xoxoxo

My other dear friend and hero for the night is long time pal Shawn Soucy whom I have known since 1994. Shawn and I have been working together on some projects over this past summer and in fact, he is the stellar drummer in the Lulus lounge video found just a few posts below this one. Shawn plays with some of the top pro's in the country on a regular basis and I feel so lucky that he works with me too! An inspiring person in general, Shawn is also an inventor, so I would like to draw your attention if you are a drummer (or if you know a drummer) to his website where you will find some incredible new brush drumsticks that will knock your socks off, for more info check out this link.....

The other advantage to holding your party in a mall?
Your friends show up with little presents that they picked up along the way.
Good plan, I hadn't thought about this little bonus prior to the event, but in hindsight, I pretty much recommend it!
By the way, I plan to do my 40's like I have been doing everything else lately, with a light in my heart and a smile on my face!
Till next year then, with hearts and hugs.......